Proprietary Trades - Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Proprietary Trades do we provide?

Ans: myMarketStrategies shares the trades on Equity Cash and Stock Futures that we take in our accounts. Our clients can learn how to trade by just copying our trades

2. What kind of returns to expect on a monthly basis?

Ans: We do not guarantee any fixed percentage as returns. But, you have the option of subscribing to us on Post paid Profit sharing basis (20 % for myMarketStrategies : 80 % retained by client) ( Essentially, you pay us only if you make money. Otherwise, service is free)

3. Are we SEBI registered?

Ans: We are a SEBI Registered Research Analyst with Registration number : INH200007502. Our research Analyst is a Post graduate having an International MBA in finance, SEBI Registered Research Analyst, NISM certified Research Analyst

Pair trading - Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Pair trading?

Ans: Pair trading is a market neutral strategy which enables traders to be profitable in all market conditions such as uptrend, downtrend or sideways movement. This strategy involves statistical arbitrage of two highly correlated stocks preferably in the same segment having the same macro dynamics, which has temporarily diverged i.e. one stock moves up while the other moves down, the pairs trade would be to short the outperforming stock and to long the underperforming one, betting that the pair would converge. The divergence in the pair could be caused by temporary supply/demand changes, large buy/sell orders for one stock, reaction for important news about one of the companies, and so on.

2. Does Pair trading work in Indian Markets?

Ans: The software for Pair trading has been built based on Mark Whistler book on Pair trading. We do not guarantee any returns. We are only a software provider. Please Backtest and trade after understanding the risks involved. We are purely for Education Basis.

3. What kind of returns can be expected?

Ans: We do not guarantee any returns. We are only a software provider. Please Backtest and trade after understanding the risks involved. We are purely for Education Basis.

4. Does give Pair trade calls?

Ans: No, do not provide Pair trade calls. However, we are starting a new service for calls for Equity/ Futures / Options segment soon.

5. What about the Pair trading Software training?

Ans: We charge Rs 6000/- for training on Pair trading and how to use our software through skype / teamviewer

7. Is Pair trading completely risk free strategy?

Ans: No, there is no strategy in the stock market which is completely risk free. However, the risk in this strategy is very minimal as we are hedged and it is market neutral.

9. Disclaimer for using

Ans: Disclaimer

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