SECTION I : Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)
- These terms and conditions, and consent thereon are for the research services provided by the Research Analyst (RA) and RA cannot execute/carry out any trade (purchase/sell transaction) on behalf of, the client. Thus, the clients are advised not to permit RA to execute any trade on their behalf.
The fee charged by RA to the client will be subject to the maximum of amount prescribed
by SEBI/ Research Analyst Administration and Supervisory Body (RAASB) from time to
time (applicable only for Individual and HUF Clients).
- Note: The current fee limit is Rs 1,51,000/- per annum per family of client for all research services of the RA.
- The fee limit does not include statutory charges.
- The fee limits do not apply to a non-individual client / accredited investor.
- RA may charge fees in advance if agreed by the client. Such advance shall not exceed the period stipulated by SEBI; presently it is one quarter. In case of pre-mature termination of the RA services by either the client or the RA, the client shall be entitled to seek refund of proportionate fees only for unexpired period.
- Fees to RA may be paid by the client through any of the specified modes like cheque, online bank transfer, UPI, etc. Cash payment is not allowed. Optionally the client can make payments through Centralized Fee Collection Mechanism (CeFCoM) managed by BSE Limited (i.e. currently recognized RAASB).
- The RA is required to abide by the applicable regulations/ circulars/ directions specified by SEBI and RAASB from time to time in relation to disclosure and mitigation of any actual or potential conflict of interest. The RA will endeavor to promptly inform the client of any conflict of interest that may affect the services being rendered to the client.
- Any assured/guaranteed/fixed returns schemes or any other schemes of similar nature are prohibited by law. No scheme of this nature shall be offered to the client by the RA.
- The RA cannot guarantee returns, profits, accuracy, or risk-free investments from the use of the RA’s research services. All opinions, projections, estimates of the RA are based on the analysis of available data under certain assumptions as of the date of preparation/publication of research report.
- Any investment made based on recommendations in research reports are subject to market risks, and recommendations do not provide any assurance of returns. There is no recourse to claim any losses incurred on the investments made based on the recommendations in the research report. Any reliance placed on the research report provided by the RA shall be as per the client’s own judgement and assessment of the conclusions contained in the research report.
- The SEBI registration, Enlistment with RAASB, and NISM certification do not guarantee the performance of the RA or assure any returns to the client.
For any grievances,
the client should first contact the RA using the details on its website or following
contact details:
Grievance Resolution Process
Level 1:
Please contact Customer care/Compliance Officer with details provided below in email/phone number. We aim to resolve all grievances within 7 working days from the date of receipt.
Details of Designation Contact Person Name Address Contact No. Email-ID Working Hours Customer Care Kamalanathan K Keerthi chalet, F201, Coconut Groove layout Horamavu, Bengaluru 560043 +91 9886485089 10 am to 6 pm Head of Customer Care Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Compliance Officer Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above CEO Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Principal Officer Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above
Level 2:
If your grievance is not resolved within 7 working days from your date of complain, you can escalate it to SEBI’s SCORES Platform (SEBI Complaints Redress System).
Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES:
- Name
- Address
- Mobile Number
- E-mail ID
- Effective Communication
- Speedy redressal of the grievances
Level 3:
After exhausting all available options for resolution of the grievance, if the client is still not satisfied with the outcome, they can initiate dispute resolution through the investor login at ODR Portal.
ODR Portal:
Steps for Accessing ODR Portal
- Register on SMART ODR Portal
- File a New Dispute
- Select Intermediary
- Select Category
- Enter Dispute Details
- Track Resolution Progress
- If the resolution is unsatisfactory, the client can also lodge grievances through SEBI’s SCORES platform at
- The client may also consider the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) through the Smart ODR portal at
the client should first contact the RA using the details on its website or following
contact details:
- Clients are required to keep contact details, including email id and mobile number/s updated with the RA at all times.
- The RA shall never ask for the client’s login credentials and OTPs for the client’s Trading Account Demat Account and Bank Account. Never share such information with anyone including RA.
SECTION II : Additional Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction
Welcome to myMarketStrategies. By accessing and using this website, located at, the Client agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Do not continue to use if you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
Unless otherwise stated, myMarketStrategies/ Kamalanathan K and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
3. Parties
"Research Analyst" (hereinafter “RA”, "I", "me") : Registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) under Registration No. INH200007502, Kamalanathan K, Individual Research Analyst | BSE Enlistment number 5368
"Client" or "Subscriber" or " User" or “You” or “Client”) : The individual subscribing to or availing research services. Must meet the eligibility requirements set forth herein and under Indian law. The service is exclusive for Individuals only.
4. Availing the research services
By accepting delivery of the research service, the client confirms that he/she has elected to subscribe the research service of Kamalanathan K, Research Analyst at his/her sole discretion. Kamalanathan K - Research Analyst confirms that research services shall be rendered in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Research Analyst Regulations.
5. Obligations on Research Analyst
Research Analyst and client shall be bound by SEBI Act and all the applicable rules and regulations of SEBI, including the Research Analyst Regulations and relevant notifications of Government, as may be in force, from time to time.
6. Client Information and KYC
The client shall furnish all such details in full as may be required by the Research Analyst in its standard form with supporting details, if required, as may be made mandatory by RAASB/SEBI from time to time. Research Analyst shall collect, store, upload and check KYC records of the clients with KYC Registration Agency (KRA) as specified by SEBI from time to time.
7. Declaration of the Research Analyst (RA)
Kamalanathan K, SEBI registered Research Analyst declares that:
- I have registered with SEBI as an Research Analyst pursuant to the SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014 and its registration details are: Registration No: INH200007502, Registration Date: Jan 08, 2020
- I have registration and qualifications required to render the services contemplated under the Research Analyst Regulations, and the same are valid and subsisting.
- Research analyst services provided do not conflict with or violate any provision of law, rule or regulation, contract, or other instrument to which it is a party or to which any of its property is or may be subject.
- The maximum fee that may be charged by Research Analyst is ₹1.51 lakhs per annum per family of client.
- The recommendations provided by Research Analyst do not provide any assurance of returns.
- I will comply with all applicable Regulations for Individual Research Analyst as they get updated in time by SEBI.
8. Additional Critical Declaration
- Kamalanathan K, SEBI registered Research Analyst declare that I am not engaged in any additional professional or business activities, on a whole-time basis or in an executive capacity, which interfere with/influence or have the potential to interfere with/influence the independence of the research report and/or recommendations contained therein.
9. Consideration and mode of payment
The client shall duly pay to Research Analyst, the agreed fees for the services that Research Analyst renders to the client and statutory charges, as applicable. Such fees and statutory charges shall be payable through Online payment preferably through Payment gateway integrated in the website - The pricing of these products can be increased or decreased by the Research analyst and will not exceed the maximum limit imposed by SEBI for an Individual family.The pricing will be updated in . Updated pricing will be applicable post the end of current subscription.
Current pricing as on 01-Apr-2025 is:- Rs 4500/- per quarter for Active Quants Multicap strategy. Additional Governent charges if applicable may be applied.
- Rs 4500/- per quarter Passive SIP Multicap strategy. Additional Governent charges if applicable may be applied.
- Rs 3000/- for Multicap MultiAsset Mutual Funds pick. Additional Governent charges if applicable may be applied.
10. Risk factors
You, The Client understand that:
- Any investment made based on the recommendations in the research report are subject to market risk.
- Investments in equities, derivatives, mutual funds, and Exchange Traded Index are subject to market risks with no assurance of achieving investment strategy objectives.
- Past performance does not indicate future performance. No guaranteed returns are offered.
- Read all related documents carefully before investing.
- Research Analyst's recommendations may not always be profitable as market trends may vary.
- The Research Analyst is not responsible for any losses resulting from its research services.
- SEBI registration, BSE enlistment and NISM certification do not guarantee performance or returns.
- Recommendations in the research report do not provide any assurance of returns and many 3rd party software are used to analyze the stock and do not guarantee on the data provided by 3rd party software that would be consumed in RA's reports.
- There is no recourse to claim any losses incurred on the investments made based on the recommendations in the research report.
11. Conflict of interest
The Research Analyst shall adhere to the applicable regulations/ circulars/ directions specified by SEBI from time to time in relation to disclosure and mitigation of any actual or potential conflict of interest.
12. Termination of service and refund of fees
Disclosure that the Research Analyst may suspend or terminate rendering of research services to client on account of suspension/ cancellation of registration of Research Analyst by SEBI and shall refund the residual amount to the client. In case of suspension of certificate of registration of the Research Analyst for more than 60 (sixty) days or cancellation of the Research Analyst registration, Research Analyst shall refund the fees, on a pro rata basis for the period from the effective date of cancellation/ suspension to end of the subscription period.
13. Grievance redressal and dispute resolution
Any grievance related to (i) non-receipt of research report or (ii) missing pages or inability to download the entire report, or (iii) any other deficiency in the research services provided by Research Analyst, shall be escalated promptly by the client to or call +91 9886485089. The Research Analyst shall be responsible to resolve grievances within 7 (seven) business working days or such timelines as may be specified by SEBI under the Research Analyst Regulations. Research Analyst shall redress grievances of the client in a timely and transparent manner. Any dispute between the Research Analyst and his client may be resolved through arbitration or through any other modes or mechanism as specified by SEBI from time to time.
14. Additional clauses
All additional voluntary clauses added by the Research Analyst should not be in contravention with rules/ regulations/ circulars of SEBI. Any changes in such voluntary clauses/document(s) shall be preceded by a notice of 15 days.
15. Mandatory notice
Clients shall be requested to go through Do’s and Don’ts while dealing with Research Analyst as specified in SEBI master circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD-POD-1/P/CIR/2024/49 dated May 21, 2024, or as may be specified by SEBI from time to time.
16. Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)
Research Analyst shall also disclose MITC to their clients which shall be standardized by Industry Standards Forum (ISF) in consultation with SEBI and RAASB. The MITC explicitly informs Clients that the Research Analyst cannot execute trades on behalf of Clients.
17. Optional Centralised Fee Collection Mechanism
Research Analyst Shall provide the guidance to their clients on an optional ‘Centralised Fee Collection Mechanism for IA and RA’ (CeFCoM) available to them for payment of fees to Research Analyst.
18. User Responsibilities
- By signing this agreement You confirm that you are above 18 years of Age and agree to provide accurate KYC details to be maintained by Intermediary - Research Analyst which will be stored in an Encrypted format in myMarketStrategies Database
- To access RA services You will have to esign the terms and conditions through Adhaar e-signing process
- You/Client will proactively inform the Research analyst about any Research Analyst services subscription taken by my Family members from Kamalanathan K/ platform
- You will not republish, sell, rent, or sub-license material from
- You must not reproduce, duplicate, or copy material from
- You agree to use the website only for lawful purposes and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict, or inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of the website.
- Any breach of the terms and conditions will lead to termination of services without any refund and may also lead to legal action against you/Client within Legal jurisdiction of Bengaluru, Karnataka
19. Limitations of Liability
In no event shall, nor Kamalanathan K, be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this Website, whether such liability is under contract., including its founder Kamalanathan K shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential, or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this Website.
20. Indemnification
The User/Client/Subscriber hereby indemnify to the fullest extent, Kamalanathan K, from and against any and/or all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages, and expenses arising in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms.
21. Privacy Policy
Please review the Privacy Policy, which also governs the Subscribers, Users visit to myMarketStrategies website, to understand the practices.
22. Changes to Terms or Kamalanathan K reserves the right to revise these Terms at any time as it sees fit, and by using this Website, The User/Subscriber is expected to review these Terms on a regular basis. Kamalanathan K will communicate any changes and the client will need to e-sign the terms again for continued service or will be given the option of Refund on prorata basis
23. Service Scope
- The Research Analyst does not manage funds or securities on behalf of the client. It only receives sums necessary to discharge its services.
- No assured return services or minimum guaranteed return services are offered. Services provided are in accordance with SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014.
24. Contact, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
Client can raise the queries or disputes at:
All disputes arising out of or in connection with the services provided by Kamalanathan K/mymarketstrategies shall be resolved exclusively through arbitration in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Clients agree that arbitration, facilitated by the SEBI Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) mechanism, shall be the final forum for resolving disputes, and waive their right to file a case in any court of law. The decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding on both parties.
25. Force Majeure
The Research Analyst is not liable for delays/errors due to circumstances beyond its control, including acts of God, war, or failure of communication or power supply.
26. Communication
Recommendations will be provided via Email, WhatsApp, or the Telegram channel. All reports and email communications would be through the domain: The Research Analyst is not liable for emails received from other domains.
27. Compliance with SEBI Guidelines
The Research Analyst adheres to SEBI guidelines and will adjust practices as needed with regulatory changes.
28. Trial Calls
Trial calls are not provided according to SEBI regulations.
29. Responsibility of Research Recommendations
- Recommendations are based on the chosen package. Clients are responsible for their trading decisions. The Research Analyst is not liable for market fluctuations or technical issues affecting recommendations.
- Kindly note that Research Analyst cannot be held responsible for any losses caused by market fluctuations, inaccuracies, delays in receiving recommendations, news, or any technical issues. It is important to remember that investing and trading in the stock market involve inherent risks that are beyond RA's' control. Therefore, Research Analyst cannot entertain any claims for losses incurred due to his recommendations.
30. Prohibited Services and Practices
- No profit-sharing services or guaranteed returns are provided. Beware of unauthorized products.
- No refund policy is in place for the services already rendered. If SEBI disallows to continue services or for any other reason Research Analyst discontinues services, clients subscription amount will be refunded on a pro-rata basis.
- Sharing research reports or confidential information is strictly prohibited. Legal action will be taken against those who do so.
- No gifts from clients are accepted.
31. Client Account Security
Research Analyst does not handle any Demat or trading accounts on Client's behalf. Therefore, Research Analyst strictly advises Client not to share your credentials such as User ID, password, security question answers, or OTPs anyone misrepresenting the Research Analyst under any circumstances. The Research Analyst, Kamalanathan K will not entertain any claims against such actions at any time.
32. Instalment Payments
Client can renew the services on a Quarterly basis as per SEBI. Refund applicable on a pro rata basis for the period from the effective date of cancellation/ suspension to end of the subscription period
33. Notifications and Communications
By subscribing to any of RA's services, the customer agrees to being sent notifications via SMS, Whatsapp, Telegram or periodic email communications which can be any of the following but not limited to: newsletters, promotional content, and research reports
34. Subscription Terms
- Subscribers must not share calls, SMS, or reports. Unauthorized sharing will result in subscription cancellation without a refund.
- Clients assume full responsibility for trading decisions made with or without external advice. The Research Analyst is not liable for any trading/investment actions.
- You - the Client, and not Kamalanathan K/mymarketstrategies, assume the entire cost and risk of any trading/investment You choose to take solely responsibility for making your own investment decisions. If You choose to engage in transactions with or without seeking advice from a licensed and qualified financial advisor or entity, then such decision and any consequences flowing therefrom are your sole responsibility. Kamalanathan K/mymarketstrategies are in no way liable for the use of the information by others in investing or trading in investment vehicles.
- By subscribing to RA's services, You agree to all the clauses of these Terms & Conditions with your own free will and consent.
35. Contact Information
- Raise queries or disputes at:, +91 9886485089
- Terms governed by Indian laws, under Bengaluru, Karnataka jurisdiction and SEBI